Thursday, November 20, 2014

National Board Certified Teachers at BCS

Two of our teachers - David Belles (Music Specialist) and Sarah Lau (Middle School Math Teacher) just received confirmation that they are Nationally Board certified teachers!  Over 10% of our teachers at BCS are Nationally Board Certified, compared to less than 3% of all teachers in California.  
Ms. Lau and Mr. Belles recently became
National Board Certified Teachers!

National Board Certified Teachers (NBPTS) are an elite group of educators who must pass a rigorous certification process that includes in depth lesson planning and analysis, several tests based on pedagogy and content, videos of lessons, and student work samples that demonstrate growth and achievement.  

The entire process is tied to student learning and advancement in all aspects of the teaching profession, not just a single lesson or unit of study.

The National Board mission aligns so closely with our school’s vision that our staff has committed to making this distinguished certification an expected part of the role of a BCS educator.  Every staff member who is eligible to begin the process (teaching for 3 or more years) is supported with mentors, time, and equipment needed to succeed and become Board certified.

Congratulations to David, Sarah, and all of our teachers at BCS on their commitment to excellence in education!

BCS Choir Students Perform at CSU East Bay

Our seventh grade baritones had the opportunity to learn from Dr. Buddy James at the California State University East Bay Men’s Chorus Festival this week as part of a special opportunity for the BCS choirs.  

Mr. Belles and the group of students participated in workshops with other middle and high school students from around the Bay Area, before a joint performance in the afternoon - you can see more photos here!  

Keep up the great work Mr. Belles and our choir students!

Tuesday, November 4, 2014

Spooky Writing Contest Entries and Winners at BCS!

Congratulations to our many students who entered into the Los Altos Town Crier’s Halloween Story Contest - including all 21 first graders from Mrs. Lucero’s class!

And congratulations to fourth graders Kelly and Noah who had their stories published in the paper!