Wednesday, September 4, 2013

First Week at BCI!

Our 5th graders got started in the MakerSpace with Mrs. Reed where they dived into design-thinking, learning how to empathize and rapid prototype in a real-world activity.  The vast choices of raw materials they were able to choose to work with unleashed limitless creative innovations among the students.

Fifth graders tinker in the MakerSpace!
Next door in the FabLab@BCS, the 6th graders were prototyping as well!  Students interfaced with some of the latest technologies  - including electronic modules - and had an opportunity to ideate and test their unique creations with Mr. Malpica, our FabLab Director.
Mr. Malpica demonstrates how to use the electronic modules for students
In art class, Mr. Lipson brought history to life by having students make their own prehistoric rock art, which they had been studying as part of their social studies curriculum.

Mr. Lipson shows students how to carve designs
Meanwhile, 5th graders brought logos to life while learning about 2-D vectors in Art class.  A few students designed new logos for the 3-Time Award Winning Bullis Kids News!

New logos for Bullis Kids News!