Our 7th graders recently finished a PBL in which they explored the driving question, “How can we move people through poetry?” The culminating PBL event was a poetry slam, an opportunity for every single 7th grader to perform an original poem. For most of our students, this was their first time participating in such an event.
Teachers live-tweeted the slam and invited audience members to provide students feedback through surveys within Twitter - check out the stream here! Students’ poetry covered a range of emotions and topics. It was inspiring to watch and listen to our students finding their voices and speaking their truths.
As a result of this PBL, many more students have expressed an interest in poetry and a desire to continue writing and performing. They may even initiate a middle school poetry slam club!
This creative group of students will be back on stage to performance A Midsummer Night’s Dream at the end of intersession. This is another opportunity for our 7th graders to plan and execute a unique performance. We can’t wait to see what they create!